GREAT and Extraordinary teams are more than just experience , skills and effort. They have something more, something intangible which seems to make them click and act in harmony particularly when under pressure. They are on the ‘same wave length’ or ZEN.
In the world of virtual or remote teams the task of ‘ being on the same wave length’ or ZEN is particularly difficult. This is because high performance teams require constant communication and interaction which is extremely difficult in virtual environments.
This team ZEN report analyses the ZEN or cohesion of team members with the leader. Most importantly it indicates which team members may require more time for communication. As communication increases so also does collaboration. With increased collaboration comes team cohesion and improved performance.
Strength to Team Leader:
Team ZEN is about being on the same wave length in virtual teams. To achieve this teams and leaders must improve communication so as to create collaboration. Increased collaboration leads to team cohesion which is fundamental to productivity and team success.
The first step in this process is to focus on the QUANTITY of communication. Consider the following suggested Number of Points Of Contact for each team member:
Face-to-face: 3 times per week
On call: 2 times per week
Email: 2 times per week
Face-to-face: 3 times per week
On call: 2 times per week
Email: 2 times per week
Face-to-face: 2 times per week
On call: 2 times per week
Email: 3 times per week
Face-to-face: 3 times per week
On call: 2 times per week
Email: 2 times per week
Face-to-face: 1 time per week
On call: 1 time per week
Email: 5 times per week
The second step in this process is to focus on the QUALITY of communication. The information on the following pages provides deep insights regarding the psychological drivers for each team member. These are not for discussion directly but rather provide the team leader with valuable information that may affect the way in which you communicate with them. This information enables EMPATHY which is a foundation for better COMMUNICATION.
Subconscious drivers impacting RACHEL's connectivity to the team to focus on:
Subconscious drivers impacting NICHOLA's connectivity to the team to focus on:
Subconscious drivers impacting TYLER's connectivity to the team to focus on:
Subconscious drivers impacting VANESSA's connectivity to the team to focus on:
Subconscious drivers impacting CARLA's connectivity to the team to focus on:
The third step in this process is to focus on the COMMUNICATION STYLE.
Communication Style for: RACHEL
Communication Style for: NICHOLA
Communication Style for: TYLER
Communication Style for: VANESSA
Communication Style for: CARLA