BrainCareManagement (BCM)©


1. Check Brain Performance ( < 24 hrs Post Game)

2. Athlete Provided Optimal Brain Recover Program ( < 24 hrs Post Game)

3. About BrainCareManagement (BCM)

  • In high contact sports all athletes are subject to variable impacts on the brain even when not diagnosed as concussed.
  • Accumulation of such impacts can affect cognitive processes in both the short and longer terms.
  • This impact can be mitigated by helping the brain to recover.
  • Recovery has generally been by rest over time but this may not be achievable because of personal views (no need) or quick turnaround times required for preparation to next event.
  • BCM deals with these two issues immediately by quickly measuring the need and providing the optimal BCM protocol and program to help the brain recover.
  • Research to investigate the extent to which BCM may lessen the possible effects of acquired head injury (ACI) such as concussion is currently proposed.

4. Mind Peak Performance Institute (MPPI)

The BCM technologies were developed in the MPP laboratory located in Melbourne , Australia.

Dr Rodski, Chief neuroscientist  and specialist sound technicians (above) prepare and synchronise sounds and brain waves (EEG) to relax the brain and enhance recovery time. The 3-D image shows brain waves prior to and following relaxation waves being implemented.

If you would like to experience the technology please leave us a message with your request.

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