Please read each of the following before you get started:

  • Not recommended if you have , or are susceptible to pulse or frequency sensitive conditions such as epilepsy or seizures.
  • If you wear a pacemaker. Are using medication prescribed or other drugs please consult a medical practitioner before listening.
  • Although no negative findings have been reported, purely as a precaution pregnant women should first consult a medical practitioner.
  • If you have any psychiatric, psychological or medical problems do not use this product without the permission of a medical practitioner.
  • In the unlikely event you experience physical or mental discomfort please discontinue use immediately and/or see your medical practitioner.
  • Find a quiet place free from distractions. Sit or lie down comfortably in loose clothing and a pleasant temperature. Eyes closed as always optional as you can always undertake safe, passive activities such as reading or colouring in (see our brain designed colouring books at ). Never listen while engaged in potentially hazardous activities such as driving, operating machinery etc.
  • Always use stereo headphones to maximise benefits.
  • Adjusting the volume. You may prefer the sound to be quieter or louder at different times, but the sound is effective at very low volumes. Simply use volumes that work best for you at any given time.
  • Intensifying your relaxation sessions. While soundscience is effective without modification using standard sound systems and settings you can achieve an even more intensive relaxation or sleep session simply by increasing the bass( increases the lower frequencies).
  • Breathe deeply and relax. At the start of your session breathe in deeply and tell yourself to relax. Your brain appreciates messages about what it is you are trying to achieve. Minimise or avoid negative thoughts or analysis during your session. Thoughts create their chemical equivalent so it is important to maintain positive thoughts or associations if possible.
  • After the session. Allow a few minutes to return to your normal conscious state. This is especially so with relaxation sessions followed by tasks that require concentration.

There are 3 sessions described below for you to choose from. All sessions produce the many benefits of deep meditation and relaxation and encourage optimal brain function. As you become more experienced in using this technology you can play these tracks with your eyes open to create ideal learning states during study or similar tasks. For this purpose using barely audible , non-distracting volumes will be essential.

    • Session 1( 12 minutes) TOP-UP RELAXATION. This is a short and convenient ALPHA based session to be used anytime you require quick relaxation, day or night. Frequency: As often as required.
    • Session 2 (20 minutes) QUICK RELAXATION. This soothes the brain and body with deeper ALPHA waves. It is excellent in helping with anxiety, stress, promoting serotonin and sleep assistance. Listen to this whenever you want to relax, de-stress and unwind. Frequency: Once per day for the first month. Thereafter as often as required.
    • Session 3 (30 minutes) GENTLE RELAXATION. Creates deeper states of relaxation using deep brainwaves called THETA. These deeply relaxing brainwaves are excellent for stress and burnt-out, sleep assistance, deep relaxation and creativity. Training your brain to reach this deep state will take time. THIS SESSION IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ANYONE WHO HAS CLINICAL DEPRESSION, PTSD OR AD/HD. Frequency: As often as required.

Brain waves are the brain’s electrical currents. The flow or speed of these currents are described as waves- brainwaves. The speed of these waves is measured as cycles per second or Hz. The slower the wave or cycle the more relaxed is the brain activity. Let’s look at the three that are used in this program.

  • ALPHA ( 8- 12Hz) This wave is relaxed, tranquil, conscious, calm, pleasant, inwardly aware and important in mind-body integration. It is dominant in light meditation and states of relaxation. Associated with serotonin production. Excellent for anxiety and stress relief, relaxation, learning, study and visualisation. Also can be used to help relax and calm those with ‘slow wave’ conditions such as depression and AD/HD.
  • THETA ( 4 – 8Hz) This wave produces deep relaxation, REM sleep, heightened memory, creativity and imagery. Also stimulates free flowing lucid thought, spatial navigation tasks, enhanced learning and inspiration. Ideal for stress relief and insomnia. NOT recommended outside clinical settings for those with ‘slow wave’ conditions like depression, AD/HD and PTSD in which THETA is typically over produced.
  • DELTA ( 0.1 – 4Hz) Deep dreamless sleep is produced. Research shows this wave length to be associated with enhanced immune system function and healing associated with pituitary release of high HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Is used for insomnia, calming the limbic emotional system and inducing extremely deep relaxation. DELTA is also thought to be helpful for fibromyalgia and chronic pain.

For best results you are encouraged to combine this program with other approaches to ensure the greatest synergy of benefits. Here are some additional TIPS.

Neuroplasticity research shows the brain can continually rewire itself, making new connections at any age. Just like a muscle, the ‘use it or lose it’ principle applies to the brain. The more it is used and continually challenged, the more it grows new connections, and maintains its efficiency and vitality.

Learning and experiencing new things forms new connections as does doing familiar things in new ways. Always strive to learn or do something new. The brain thrives on novelty, variety and challenge. Predictability and familiarity put it on auto pilot, creating habitual conditioned responses that inhibit growth. 

There are many ways and strategies to optimise your brain performance including……

  • Whenever possible concentrate your focus on one task at a time. Multi tasking is not helpful. Learn to practice mindfulness( See Dr Stan Rodski’s new book ‘ The Neuroscience of Mindfulness, Harper Collins 2019) for science based exercises.
  • Daily physical exercise assists cognitive(thinking) abilities, brain blood flow, neurochemicals for learning and memory and new brain cell growth. Ongoing yoga and activities like structured dancing that require a combination of the physical, cognitive and social are excellent.
  • Mental exercises including crossword puzzles, sudoku, memory and strategy games, learning a musical instrument, new language and reading.
  • Focusing on negative thoughts and emotions produces fight/flight brain chemistry and decreases creativity, imagination and learning. Positive, constructive focus on what you want or enjoy produces beneficial brain chemicals and aids to brain function.
  • Lack of sleep, smoking and too much caffeine decrease brain blood flow.
  • Eat lean protein, high fibre carbohydrates like whole grains, leafy green vegetables, fruits, healthy fats with omega 3fatty acids eg fish or krill oil, salmon, walnuts and avocados, quality mullti-vitamins, brahmi and ginko.
  • Drink lots of water, avoid dehydration from too much alcohol, caffeine, or salt.
  • Ensure 7-8 hours of sleep. 

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