How it works?

This is a picture of a cross section of the nerve fibres in the brain we call white matter. The orange centres are the axons which transmit messages and the white sheaths surrounding them are called MYELIN.

Myelin wraps around axons as we experience and learn.

The number of agitations (wrap arounds) will determine the ability of the brain to remember and execute the learning.

Myelin wrapping is slow and easily discarded by the brain if not reinforced.

Neuro resilience uses this knowledge to embed the resilience learning through agitating specific nerve fibre regions wrapping process’ to encourage recall and application – resilience when we need it.


Neuroplasticity is a breakthrough discovery which helps explain the unparalleled effectiveness and many benefits of the neuro resilience program.

It shows the brain can constantly change its structure and function at any age in response to new thoughts and activities including brainwave training.

It is this proven ability of the brain to change its habitual functioning, and rewire itself to create new and more beneficial neural circuits, that allows neuro resilience to create substantial improvements in health and wellbeing.

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