SS+ Results on Depression, Anxiety and Stress

In 2019, Executive Health Management (Melbourne) and The Mind Peak Performance Institute studied the effects of the SS+ Mental Health and Wellbeing technology on depression, anxiety and stress. The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Survey (DASS *) was used with 42 executives for 3 sessions per week over 12 weeks.

The results are below:

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*About the DASS

The DASS-21 (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) is a short-form of the DASS in which each of the three subscales contain seven (rather than 14) items. The DASS-21 has high reliability, has a factor structure that is consistent with the allocation of the items to subscales, and exhibits high convergent validity with other measures of anxiety and depression (Henry & Crawford, 2005). The Depression scale includes items that measure symptoms typically associated with dysphoric mood (e.g., sadness or worthlessness). The Anxiety scale, includes items that are primarily related to symptoms of physical arousal, panic attacks, and fear (e.g., trembling or faintness). Finally, the Stress scale includes items that measure symptoms such as tension, irritability, and a tendency to overreact to stressful events.

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