For the brain, a good day begins with the waking up procedure.
As we drift out of sleep, we need to dreamily think of the coming day, visualising things going well.
We need to create a positive expectancy for ourselves and a feeling of pleasant anticipation.
When we first start thinking in this way we find it hard. For many of us the waking time is our low for the day. Our thoughts are anything but optimistic. We need to create a NEW HABIT.
A habit which will change our lives in many ways, releasing energy and vitality we did not know we possessed.
Vitality comes not only from thoughts however. We can’t just jump straight out of bed. We need to spend time stretching every muscle in our body, languidly and fully.
We need to turn our head slowly from side to side, up and down so the neck rolls loosely. Our back arches, our legs stretch and we yawn widely. Stretching in this way gets the blood circulating, the oxygen moving and the neurotransmitters firing in the brain.
As we get out of bed, shake your legs, loosen up your knee and hip joints and shake your hands and wrists.
In the bathroom, place your hands in a sink full of cold water. While doing this roll a golf ball or tennis ball under each foot in turn. Keep your spine (back) straight and use the brain breathing technique you have learnt (Go to the tutorials on the website if you have not learnt this or have forgotten).
Do the breathing, 10 times.
Remember, this is not time consuming and takes only about 5 minutes, 5 minutes that change you with a level of energy that will be the envy of your friends and colleagues.
Complete the morning vitality and energy session with a glass of warm water and lemon juice together with stretching exercises. For optimum vitality there should be at least 6 exercises.
The 6 brain peak performance exercises should be completed at this time. These exercises can be found in the tutorial section of the website. (Please fill out our “Contact Us” form if you need the password)
Should you feel a lack of energy during the day, a rapid vitality and energy increaser is a spoonful of peanut butter. As a variant, stuff a celery stick with peanut butter or have a handful of cashew nuts or dates. These foods are good energy sources.
Vitality is promoted by magnesium and phosphorus rich foods. Kelp, wheat bran, wheat germ, almonds, tomatoes, and dandelion all figure prominently.
~Next Blog: The Brain and Sleep~